Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011


Today is December, 24th 2011. Maybe for you today is just so-so, nothing special. But for me, this is a special day! Why? Let me tell you why ;)

So, today is the day of distributing report book! You know a REPORT BOOK!! x___x
Yeah, for students report book is............................................ you know lah what is that for us.
I really scared, because I'm a stupid and lazy girl. And I know that I will not in 1 - 10th rank. 'Cause all my classmates is more smart then me.

Well when morning ceremony, I become the english speech. I'm really nerveous, you know talking in front of maybe 650 people is WOW -_-
Before I delivered my speech, Mr. Halimi announcement who get first until third rank in each class. And from my class is:
1. Kinanti Alfathia
2. Vani Shafira Mohani
3. Damar Setyo Ismoro

I'm really suprised when I know it! I don't believe it, it sooooooooooo WOOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!
Alhamdulillah I can get 2nd rank in my class! Thanks God, really happy can make my parents proud of me.

By the way, tomorrow I will heading to Kediri for homestay program. We will learn about english for a week, then after that we will go to Bandung and Jogjakarta. Yeaayyy! I wanna shopping hihihi.
And I would be very happy, if you pray for our safe trip! hihi 'cause we will go to there by using bus, and I'm little bit scared.

Alright, I think that's all. Well, thank you for read this post friends. Wait for new post yeay!


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